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For Hydrostatic Testing - Airmo Inc. is the "BEST-IN-TEST"
Airmo Inc., Pressure Technologies
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Company: Airmo Inc., Pressure Technologies, MN, United States
Attn: Wilfried Hein

Hydrostatic Tube and Pipe Test Equipment

AIRMO designs and manufactures hydrostatic testers
ranging from fully automatic tubing mill
applications to smaller operator assisted manual

The newest AIRMO high-pressure burst test system
is an effective approach in analyzing stress and
strain in real-time. It provides simple, safe,
and efficient hydrostatic testing and bursting of

The burst bench enclosed in a chamber is connected
with a pump control system with high-pressure
hoses attached to quick disconnect couplers. The
burst bench/chamber is equipped with a slide-rail
system for the hydrotest heads, which allows for
quick attachment to the test tube. The AIRMO
hydrotest heads are designed for a broad variety
of diameters, 3/4" to 6" OD and pressures to
20,000 psi. Higher pressures are available upon

With the ease of use in the test cycle, the
operator requirements are to place the tube in the
burst chamber, select maximum pressure and rate of
expansion, start the test and finally remove when
the test is complete. The system allows the
ability to pre-fill a tube very quickly, resulting
in very short cycle time from connection to test
completion. A two-minute cycle is normal.

A circular sensor array is placed around the test
tube. It transmits dimensional changes, via
high-speed data acquisition to the PC: sensor
distance readings, systems pressure, and time. Up
to sixteen sensors are available based on the
tube's size. The precision level for a diameter
measurement is +/-.003". With data collection
retrievable, you can now achieve calculations for:
"k" values, "n" values, region of material
instability, burst pressure and ultimate

All AIRMO hydrostatic testers place the tube in
tension while under pressure, not compression.
This allows the users of these machines to operate
in a safe environment while minimizing clamping

AIRMO provides state of the art PLC consoles.
These operator stations with their powerful PLCs
can be interfaced with various levels of plant
communications. This feature yields a truly,
fully integrated plant tester.

The test head technology pioneered by AIRMO
assures a head package that is the best in test.
These units are pressure compensated providing
increasing grip as pressure increases. This
guarantees the test heads will maintain grip
integrity at the most demanding pressures.

Fully automatic or manual
Pressures to 30,000 psi
Diameter range 1/8 to 6 (standard or metric)
Quick modular change tooling
Fast cycle times
Digital displays or panel view CRT
Tube handling options

AIRMO testers are manufactured for the rough
rigorous conditions for todays modern tube and
pipe mills. These systems are designed to the
highest quality standards and are offered from
manual operation to fully automated single or
multi-tube applications. These mill integrated
units or stand-alone machines can be run operator
free assuring maximum efficiency.

Wilfried Hein
Sales Engineer
Airmo, Inc.
9445 Evergreen Blvd
Minneapolis, MN 55433-5840, USA
Telephone: +1-763-786-0000
Fax: +1-763-786-4622

     Tel: 7637860000   Fax: 7637864622
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