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Interlaken's Hydroforming Press Provides Cost Savings
Interlaken Technology Corporation
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Company: Interlaken Technology Corporation, MN, United States
Attn: Dan Prill

Eden Prairie, MN--- Interlaken Technology Corporation has delivered a second Hydroforming Press System to APN, Incorporated.

APN is a stainless steel fitting manufacturer that produces stainless steel elbows, tee's and crosses for the food and dairy, biopharmaceutical, semiconductor and petrochemical markets. They have realized cost savings in manufacturing after implementing their first Interlaken Hydroforming Press.

The fittings formed with Interlaken's press have allowed APN to reduce costs in several areas. Interlaken's hydroforming press has eliminated the need for manual resizing of the tube ends. The fittings are within ASME-BPE (American Society of Mechanical Engineers - Bio-Pharmaceutical Engineers) tolerances coming out of the press. The hydroforming process also eliminates the twisting that often resulted from the tube bending process resulting in elbows that are perfectly square. This is very important to the people who purchase fittings from APN because it provides for a clean installation.

In short, APN has found that the Interlaken Hydroforming Press can produce a perfectly round fitting every 30 to 45 seconds depending on the size of the fitting. And they have dramatically reduced polishing times.

With superior control over forces, motions and pressures, Interlaken's Hydroforming Press provides a greater overall quality of formed parts.

The Interlaken Hydroforming Press is a computer controlled hydraulic press with data acquisition that uses a high-pressure liquid to hydroform materials. It is equipped with Interlaken's UniPress Control System for reliable and precise control over the hydroforming process. Easy to use Windows compatible interface software enables users to build motion and force profiles designed to fit specific forming needs. The multi-channel closed loop control system is easily programmed to handle various sizes and materials.

For over 20 years, Interlaken Technology Corporation has been designing and manufacturing servo controlled testing and production equipment with sophisticated controls and monitoring software. It is this experience and knowledge that allows us to provide the best possible solutions for both test and production press equipment. Interlaken offers an extensive warranty and solid service and technical support.

     Tel: 952-942-7499   Fax: 952-942-7599
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