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Oxygen measuring instrument for welding tubes and pipes
Huntingdon Fusion Techniques Limited
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Company: Huntingdon Fusion Techniques Limited, United Kingdom
Attn: Darren Sewell


What is thought to be the only Welding Purge Monitor designed specifically for the welding of Titanium and high specification stainless steels, has been developed by Huntingdon Fusion Techniques Limited.

This very smart looking, mains operated, technically advanced unit is highly computer intelligent and uses an advanced sensor to guarantee accurate oxygen readings at the level needed to be measured for Titanium and stainless steel welding in the pharmaceutical and biotechnlogy industries.

When welding Titanium and its alloys, it is recommended that oxygen levels in the shield gas, should be in the region of 20 parts per million and when welding high specification stainless steels, the oxygen level should be below 500 ppm.

Parts per million Oxygen measurement can be achieved with the new Argweld Titanium Weld Purge Monitor.

This new instrument will measure from 1000 parts per million down to 10 parts per million in either parts per million or percentage, selectable on the instrument.

It has an internal alarm which allows the setting of high and low point readings.

As the Argweld Monitor is turned on, a display tells the operator exactly what to do, making this unit easy to operate. The instrument has a pin code security system to stop unauthorised people changing the settings.

It is suitable for operation from 110 or 220 volts single phase electrical power and 50 or 60 Hz and it has a PC serial port allowing use of an RS232 lead for connecting a PC and a printer.

There is an input port on the rear so that weld start/stop can be monitored for the data logging, it will be able to show at what point the weld stared and stopped on the graph and printout.

The four push buttons on the front conform to IP65 standard, are splash proof and will not allow moisture or dirt to ingress from the fingers or elsewhere.

A description of each push button's functions is displayed above the push button on the screen.

The unique sensor with its five year life, is supplied fitted into a connector which allows the gas to flow past the face of the sensor. As the sensor works on positive flow from the purging system, the instrument does not need a pump , so there are less parts to deteriorate.

The stabilisation time for the sensor, after start up is about 10 -15 seconds which is an incredible breakthrough in the field of low parts per million oxygen measurement.

Adding to this, the fact that the sensor does not need to be built into a small heating system, there is much less to go wrong with this system than other oxygen measuring instruments, so repair and maintenance costs are minimal.

The connector is designed to be easily attached to any tube or pipe , or any other Weld Purge System where the parts per million values are to be read, recorded and displayed in real time.

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