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35 Years serving the Tube Industry
Mazzola Engineering SA
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Company: Mazzola Engineering SA, Switzerland
Attn: Mr. Ivo Mazzola

Mazzola Engineering has been established in 1975 and delivered its first machine for the tube industry a year later. The company is about to celebrate its 35th birthday. A success story?

Ivo Mazzola:Certainly, a success mainly due to a life-long dedication to engineering, always trying to innovate and to satisfy the many customers requirements. Judging from the many machines we now have in operation worldwide around 1000 units I guess- and taking into account that most customers have purchased more than one line from us, it appears that we have reached our goal and that we are well positioned to accept the challenges be they of technical or of commercial nature- that we still have in front of us.

The Horizontal Strip Accumulator that you call Automatically controlled Continuous Coil Feeder has been the main product offered by your company. Is its design still up-to-date and does this machine still have a relevant market today?

Ivo Mazzola:Our Horizontal Strip Accumulator is the first such machine designed for automatic operation. When we entered this market in 1976 the only strip accumulator available was the vertical Floop. We wanted to engineer a simple, rugged machine, having a minimum of moving parts, zero maintenance and operating automatically, without any operator assistance. Today we can count over 300 units in operation delivered directly from Switzerland or built under license in Japan and in the USA, and yes, sales are still going strong today. The original design is still valid though many improvements have been made during the years, especially integrating valid users suggestions.

What about other Entry Line Components?

Ivo Mazzola:You have to keep in mind that in my long career as an engineer and businessman Ive been partner of a major European tube mills manufacturer for over 15 years. Ive helped create a very comprehensive range of high-tech tube mills and related equipment capable to handle steel and non ferrous materials for the production of standard as well as for special tubes and sections. Ive been travelling on consultancy assignments all over the world, from Europe to North- and Southamerica, to Southern Africa as well as to the Far East. Now, as a principle, we only produce those components that cannot be readily found on the market though we can supply complete production lines by integrating first-class equipment from top manufacturers.

Please make a tangible example to better illustrate your philosophy.

Ivo Mazzola:One of the problems is coil storage, handling and loading. Coils are getting bigger and heavier; production speed is increasing and consequently time available for coil handling is limited. We have developed a loading system which takes coils from a storage turnstile and loads them on the decoiler. Apparently nothing new, except that our system in automatically controlled and its operation can be extended over the x and y axis. The system can be fitted with a coil car or with an overhead loader.
One more example is the Endwelder. Many companies produce this kind of equipment, but all of them lack the completeness to really face all operational requirements of positioning, cutting with variable length, welding, milling the weld bead if required and marking the weld position in the shortest amount of time and with the required ease of operation.

Any plans for the future, any new developments under way?

Ivo Mazzola:There are always new developments under way. Our machines are mostly custom made requiring a lot of engineering effort. In addition we are very attentive to new developments of components, drives, electronic controls. We do not hesitate to apply new technology if we see any advantage or improvement to our products.
According to our mission statement we strive to always be High-Tech Oriented by applying the most advanced technology and by constantly upgrading our machinery and equipment. Furthermore we remain committed to our tradition of advanced technology design, high quality equipment and customers' support.

     Tel: +4191-827-1414   Fax: +4191-827-1414
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