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PITCO Develops Wall Measuring System Using Total Magnetic Fl
Scan Systems Corporation
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Company: Scan Systems Corporation, TX, United States
Attn: David Steely


David Steely
Scan Systems Corporation
(281) 219-9480 x 113
(281) 219-2317

PITCO Develops Wall Measuring System Using Total Magnetic Flux

PITCO (Pipe Inspection Technology Company), a division of Scan Systems Corporation, has developed DIGI-WALL, a system of measuring wall thickness in tubular products using electromagnetic flux density for non-destructive testing (NDT).

DIGI-WALL is part of PITCOs family of DIGI-TECH products that utilize Hall-effect devices to digitally capture changes in the magnetic flux density properties of material to indicate longitudinal, transverse and wall anomalies during testing.

As part of the DIGI-TECH family, DIGI-WALL is designed for high speed testing of tubular goods at speeds up to 200 feet per minute (60+ meters per minute). Using time-tested electromagnetic flux density technology, DIGI-WALL is a non-contact, non-rotating inspection of tubular goods that provides complete 100% coverage of the 360O circumferential body wall of the material.

In developing the new DIGI-WALL digital technology for tubular inspection, PITCOs engineers have eliminated the industry standard radioactive gamma source traditionally used to spot check material for wall anomalies. This is an intrinsic improvement over the radioactive source. The full length of the body wall circumference is inspected rather than a loose corkscrew-type inspection of wall samplings along the length of the material.

The material is magnetized to its total magnetic flux. The material with larger cross sectional area (thicker wall) will cause less magnetic flux to remain on the outside of the material, while a lesser cross sectional area (thinner wall) will cause more flux to remain on the outside. A ring of transducers composed of a series of Hall-effect devices is used to sense the changes in magnetic flux density surrounding the material. As the material passes through the inspection ring, changes in flux density outside the surface of the material are simultaneously compared in PITCOs DIGI-PRO Software to a calibration test coupon.

Real-time charts and alarms on the computer monitors screen help the operator evaluate changes in wall characteristics, record and mark the location automatically, both on the screen and with paint indicator on the material.

Also, because the signal is immediately read digitally at the source, all the DIGI-TECH equipment is more sensitive to changes in the magnetic flux properties of the material. Since the inspection transducers are non-contact, the cost normally associated with constantly replacing worn analog search coils (inspection shoes) is eliminated.

The traditional paper strip chart is replaced with a digital recording to the inspection data. Real-time results can be observed on the screen or replayed at a later time. The material length is recorded in DIGI-PRO with the aid of optical encoders. During the inspection, the operator has full control to stop, back-up and search the material currently being inspected. All inspection data can be stored, transferred, or accessed for both standard and customized reports. Inspection results can be sent via e-mail or recorded to a CD or other portable memory device.

The current DIGI-TECH equipment is designed to inspect material with minimum outside diameter of 1.315 (33.4mm) to 14 (355.60mm). It has a wall thickness range from 0.125 (3.175mm) through 0.700 (17.6mm). PITCOs engineers anticipate the equipment to operate successfully beyond its current marketed specifications when on-going tests help further expand the DIGI-TECH parameters.
More information on DIGI-WALL and DIGI-TECH can be found on Scan Systems web pages at Scan Systems is located at 14424 Interdrive West, Houston Texas 77032 USA. The telephone number is (281) 219-9480 x 110 in Houston or call Bob Leslie at (432) 362-9448 in Odessa, TX USA.

     Tel: (713) 983-9480   Fax: (713) 983-9490
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