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2009 - a successful year for Pines Technology
Pines Technology
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Company: Pines Technology, OH, United States
Attn: Ian R Williamson

Since acquiring the Pines brand and business assets, Risk Industries has managed their prize acquisition carefully. Despite the worldwide economic crisis, Pines sold and delivered more than 60 tube processing machines providing a profit for the year. 2010 will exceed 2009, said Ian Williamson, Pines CEO. We will deliver 10 machines to the Marines, 3-CNC 250 benders to India and a range of others to our core customers in North America and around the world.
We planned to take Pines in a different direction when we acquired it in 2007 comments Williamson, Pines is a great brand and we intended to build on it to provide our customers a wide range of flexible equipment that enhance their business. We steered away from the automotive sector and concentrated on our core customers in energy, aerospace and fabrication industries.
During 2007 and 2008, we developed the new products that were selling now. We didnt change the core design of the machines because we found it to be better than anything new we could imagine. We evaluated it against our major competitors machines and found very little benefit in emulating what they had. The old guys who designed the Pines machines really new what they were doing. Thats why the last so long and their basic simplicity allows easy maintenance and setup for our customers.
We completed the redesign of the CNC 150 and 250 machines, put new controls in our CNC 015 and semi-rigid coaxial cable bender, and introduced a low cost version of our Dial-a-bend control termed the Dial-a-bend SC.
We also signed strategic partnerships with Gregson in the UK to market their range of induction benders. This partnership will allow Pines to participate in a market which will grow tremendously in the coming 5 years. We also provide a new range of benders made in Asia. The i-Line range of tube benders offers a range of affordable benders that use Pines tool mounts, controls and safety devices.
Pines strategic direction will continue with the tradition of its core business products and build the range and markets to provide its customers with opportunities to reduce their investment risk.

     Tel: 4408355553   Fax: 4408355556
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